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SCI publications

* Equally contributing first or senior authors


Orou N, Csosz S, Arnan X, Pol RG, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2023) Messor erwini sp. n., a hitherto cryptic harvester ant in the Iberian Peninsula. Zoologischer Anzeiger 307, 36-53.

Haider M, Schilling MP, Moest MH, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W (2023) Evolutionary history of an Alpine Archaeognath (Machilis pallida): Insights from different. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10227.

Krapf P, Arthofer W, Ayasse M, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2023) Global change may make hostile - higher ambient temperature and nitrogen availability increase ant aggression. Science of the total environment 861, 160443.


Als V, Narendra A, Arthofer W, Krapf P, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2021) Colony structure, population structure, and sharing of foraging trees in the ant Myrmecia nigriceps (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 68, 327-335.

Detcharoen M, Schilling MP, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2021) Differential gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster and D. nigrosparsa infected with the same Wolbachia strain. Scientific Reports 11, 11336.

Flucher SM, Krapf P, Arthofer W, Suarez AV, Crozier RH, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2021) Effect of social structure and introduction history on genetic diversity and differentiation. Molecular Ecology 30, 2511-2527.

Arthofer W, Gollner A, Heller K, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Seeber J (2021) Contribution to the molecular phylogeny of Sciaridae (Diptera) with special attention to the genera Bradysia and Corynoptera. Zootaxa 4951, 391-400.

Kirschner P, Arthofer W, Pfeifenberger S, Záveská E, Schönswetter P, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2021) Performance comparison of two reduced-representation based genome-wide marker-discovery strategies in a multi-taxon phylogeographic framework. Scientific Reports 11, 3978.

Andesner P, Vallant, S, Seeber T, Lentner R, Arthofer W, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2021) A reference allelic ladder for Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) enables linking grouse genetic data across studies. Conservation Genetics Resources 13, 97-105.


Möst MH, Donabauer M, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2020) Towards an evolutionary history of European -Alpine Trechus ground beetles: Species groups and wing reduction. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 149, 106822.

Klammsteiner T, Walter A, Bogataj T, Heussler CD, Stres B, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W, Insam, H (2020) The core gut microbiome of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae raised on low-bioburden diets. Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 993.

Kirschner P, Záveská E, Gamisch A, Hilpold A, Trucchi E, Paun O, Sanmartín I, Schlick-Steiner BC, Frajman B, Arthofer W, Steiner FM, Schönswetter P (2020) Long-term isolation of European steppe outposts boosts the biome's conservation value. Nature Communications 11, 1968.

Detcharoen M, Arthofer W, Jiggins FM, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2020) Wolbachia affect behavior and possibly reproductive compatibility but not thermoresistance, fecundity, and morphology in a novel transinfected host, Drosophila nigrosparsa. Ecology and Evolution 10, 4457-4470.


Kinzner MC, Gamisch A, Hoffmann AA, Seifert B, Haider M, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2019) Major range loss predicted from lack of heat adaptability in an alpine Drosophila species. Science of the total environment 695, 133753.

Detcharoen M, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2019) Wolbachia megadiversity: 99% of these microorganismic manipulators unknown. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95, fiz151.

Záveská E, Maylandt C, Paun O, Bertel C, Frajman B, Schönswetter P, Arthofer W, Frajman B, Gamisch A, Hilpold A, Kirschner P, Paun O, Sanmartin I, Schlick-Steiner BC, Schönswetter P, Steiner FM, Trucchi E (2019) Multiple auto- and allopolyploidisations marked the Pleistocene history of the widespread Eurasian steppe plant Astragalus onobrychis (Fabaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139, 106572.

Steiner FM, Köhler G, Seifert B, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Buschinger A (2019) A worker-like female of Myrmica sabuleti Meinert, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in a pitfall trap with five Mermithids (Nematoda: Mermithidae) protruding from the gaster. Sociobiology 66, 400-407.

Krapf P, Hochenegger N, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2019) Comparing ant behaviour indices for fine-scale analyses. Scientific Reports 9, 6856.

Frajman B, Záveská E, Gamisch A, Moser T, Schönswetter P, Arthofer W, Hilpold A, Kirschner P, Paun O, Sanmartín I, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Trucchi, E (2019) Integrating phylogenomics, phylogenetics, morphometrics, relative genome size and ecological niche modelling disentangles the diversification of Eurasian Euphorbia seguieriana s.l. (Euphorbiaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 134, 238-252.

Kinzner MT, Kinzner MC, Kaufmann R, Hoffmann AA, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2019) Is temperature preference in the laboratory ecologically relevant for the field? The case of Drosophila nigrosparsa. Global Ecology and Conservation 18, e00638.


Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W, Steiner FM (2018) Anticipating data-induced bias. Science 361, 762.

Wagner HC, Gamisch A, Arthofer W, Moder K, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2018) Evolution of morphological crypsis in the Tetramorium caespitum ant species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Scientific Reports 8, 12547.

Kinzner MC, Krapf P, Nindl M, Heussler C, Eisenkölbl S, Hoffmann AA, Seeber J, Arthofer W*, Schlick-Steiner BC*, Steiner FM* (2018) Life-history traits and physiological limits of the alpine fly Drosophila nigrosparsa (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A comparative study. Ecology and Evolution 8, 2006-2020.

Krapf P, Russo L, Arthofer W, Möst M, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2018) An Alpine ant's behavioural polymorphism: monogyny with and without internest aggression in Tetramorium alpestre. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 30, 220-234.

Steiner FM, Csosz S, Markó B, Gamisch A, Rinnhofer L, Folterbauer C, Hammerle S, Stauffer C, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC (2018) Turning one into five: integrative taxonomy uncovers complex evolution of cryptic species in the harvester ant Messor "structor". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2018.04.005.

Heussler CD, Walter A, Oberkofler H, Insam H, Arthofer W*, Schick-Steiner BC*, Steiner FM* (2018) Influence of three artificial light sources on oviposition and half-life of the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Improving small-scale indoor rearing. PLOS ONE 13, e0197896.

Arthofer W, Heussler C, Krapf P, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2017) Identifying the minimum number of microsatellite loci needed to assess population genetic structure: A case study in fly culturing. Fly 12, 13-21.


Cicconardi F, Marcatili P, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2017) Positive diversifying selection is a pervasive adaptive force throughout the Drosophila radiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 112, 230-243.

Cicconardi F, Di Marino D, Olimpiere P, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2017) Chemosensory adaptations of the mountain fly Drosophila nigrosparsa (Insecta: Diptera) through genomics' and structural biology's lenses. Scientific Reports 7, 43770.

Peham T, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W (2017) Are we ready to detect nematode diversity by next generation sequencing? Ecology and Evolution 7, 4147-4151.

Riss S, Arthofer W, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Pichler M, Stadler P, Stelzer CP (2017) Do genome size differences within Brachionus asplanchnoidis cause reproductive barriers among geographic populations? Hydrobiologia 796, 59-75.

Wagner HC, Arthofer W, Seifert B, Muster C, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2017) Light at the end of the tunnel: Integrative taxonomy delimits cryptic species in the Tetramorium caespitum complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 25, 95-129.


Amorim DS, Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W et al. (2016) Timeless standards for species delimitation. Zootaxa - A rapid international journal for animal taxonomists 4127, 121-128.

Arthofer W, Decristoforo C., Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2016) Ultra-low activities of a common radioisotope for permission-free tracking of a drosophilid fly in its natural habitat. Scientific Reports 6, 36506.

Ceríaco LM, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, et al. (2016) Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences. Zootaxa - A rapid international journal for animal taxonomists 4196, 435-445.

Dejaco T, Gassner M, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2016) Taxonomist's Nightmare . Evolutionist's Delight: an integrative approach resolves species limits in jumping bristletails despite widespread hybridization and parthenogenesis. Systematic Biology 65, 947-974.

Kinzner MC, Tratter M, Bächli G, Kirchmair M, Kaufmann R, Arthofer W*, Schlick-Steiner BC*, Steiner FM* (2016) Oviposition substrate of the mountain fly Drosophila nigrosparsa (Diptera: Drosophilidae). PLOS ONE 11, e0165743.

Schuler H, Kern P, Arthofer W, Vogt H, Fischer M, Stauffer C, Riegler M (2016) Wolbachia in parasitoids attacking native European and introduced eastern cherry fruit flies in Europe. Environmental Entomology 45, 1424-1431.

Schuler H, Köppler K, Daxböck-Horvath S, Rasool B, Krumböck S, Schwarz D, Hoffmeister TS, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Telschow A*, Stauffer C*, Arthofer W*, Riegler M* (2016) The hitchhiker's guide to Europe: the infection dynamics of an ongoing Wolbachia invasion and mitochondrial selective sweep in Rhagoletis cerasi. Molecular Ecology 25, 1595-1609.

Wachter GA, Papadopoulou A, Muster C, Arthofer W, Knowles LL, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2016) Glacial refugia, recolonization patterns and diversification forces in Alpine-endemic Megabunus harvestmen. Molecular Ecology 25, 2904-2919.


Kinzner MC, Wagner HC, Peskoller A, Moder K, Dowell FE, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2015) A near-infrared spectroscopy routine for unambiguous identification of cryptic ant species. PeerJ 3, e991.

Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W, Moder K, Steiner FM (2015) Recent insertion/deletion (reINDEL) mutations: increasing awareness to boost molecular-based research in ecology and evolution. Ecology and Evolution 5, 24-35.

Steiner FM, Pautasso M, Zettel H, Moder K, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC (2015) A falsification of the citation impediment in the taxonomic literature. Systematic Biology 64, 860-868.

Wachter GA, Muster C, Arthofer W, Raspotnig G, Föttinger P, Komposch C, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2015) Taking the discovery approach in integrative taxonomy: decrypting a complex of narrow-endemic Alpine harvestmen (Opiliones: Phalangiidae: Megabunus). Molecular Ecology 24, 863-889.

Rief A*, Arthofer W*, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Seeber J (2015) You are not what you eat: massive parallel sequencing reveals different microbiomes in diet and gut of larval Dilophus febrilis (Diptera: Bibionidae). In: Genomic Resources Notes Accepted 1 June 2015 - 31 July 2015. Molecular Ecology Resources 15, 1510-1512.

Wagner HC, Cicconardi F, Wachter GA, Ritthammer H, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W (2015) A reduced representation libraries approach for nuclear marker development via 454 sequencing applied on Tetramorium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: Genomic Resources Notes accepted 1 February 2015 - 31 March 2015. Molecular Ecology Resources 15, 1014-1015.


Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W, Steiner FM (2014) Take up the challenge! Opportunities for evolution research from resolving conflict in integrative taxonomy. Molecular Ecology 23, 4192-4194.

Csosz S, Wagner HC, Bozsó M, Seifert B, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Pénzes Z (2014) Tetramorium indocile Santschi, 1927 stat. rev. is the proposed scientific name for Tetramorium sp. C sensu based on combined molecular and morphological evidence (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 253, 469-481.

Gassner M, Dejaco T, Schönswetter P, Marec F, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2014) Extensive variation in chromosome number and genome size in sexual and parthenogenetic species of the jumping-bristletail genus Machilis (Archaeognatha). Ecology and Evolution 4, 4093-4105.

Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM and Schafellner C (2014) NGS based generation of expressed sequence tags for Lymantria dispar and Lymantria monacha, two closely related lepidopteran species with different responses to parasitism by Glyptapanteles liparidis. Molecular Ecology Resources 14, 664-665.

Wachter GA, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM and Arthofer W (2014) 454 sequencing of reduced representation libraries to discover single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in Phalangiidae harvestmen of the genera Megabunus and Rilaena. Molecular Ecology Resources 14, 664-665.


Schneider DI, Riegler M, Arthofer W, Merçot H, Stauffer C and Miller WJ (2013) Uncovering Wolbachia Diversity upon Artificial Host Transfer. PLOS ONE 8, e82402.

Arthofer W, Rauch H, Thaler-Knoflach B, Moder K, Muster C, Schlick-Steiner BC and Steiner FM (2013) How diverse is Mitopus morio? Integrative taxonomy detects cryptic species in a small-scale sample of a widespread harvestman. Molecular Ecology 22, 3850-3863.

Bertheau C, Schuler H, Arthofer W, Avtzis DN, Mayer F, Krumböck S, Moodley Y and Stauffer C (2013) Divergent evolutionary histories of two sympatric spruce bark beetle species. Molecular Ecology 22, 3318-3332.

Arthofer W, Heussler C, Krapf P, Schlick-Steiner BC and Steiner FM (2013) Sixteen new microsatellite loci for Drosophila nigrosparsa, an emerging system for studying temperature effects in mountain ecosystems. Molecular Ecology Resources 13, 966-968.

Schuler H, Bertheau C, Egan SP, Feder JL, Riegler M, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Johannesen J, Kern P, Tuba K, Ferenc L, Köppler K, Arthofer W* and Stauffer C* (2013) Evidence for a recent horizontal transmission and spatial spread of Wolbachia from endemic Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae) to invasive Rhagoletis cingulata in Europe. Molecular Ecology 22, 4101-4111.


Wachter GA, Arthofer W, Dejaco T, Rinnhofer LJ, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2012) Pleistocene survival on central Alpine nunataks: genetic evidence from the parthenogenetic jumping bristletail Machilis pallida. Molecular Ecology 21, 4983-4995.

Rinnhofer LJ, Roúra-Pascual N, Arthofer W, Dejaco T, Wachter GA, Thaler-Knoflach B, Christian E, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2012) New findings for an endemic Alpine jumping bristletail using an iterative approach of Ecological-Niche Modelling and ground validation. Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2845-2863.

Dejaco T*, Arthofer W*, Sheets HD, Moder K, Thaler-Knoflach B, Christian E, Mendes LF, Schlick-Steiner BC and Steiner FM (2012) A toolbox for integrative species delimitation in Machilis jumping bristletails (Microcoryphia). Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 251, 307-316.


Arthofer W, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2011) Rapid and cost-effective screening of newly identified microsatellite loci by high resolution melting analysis. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 286, 225-235.

Arthofer W, Riegler M, Schuler H, Schneider D, Moder K, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2011) Allele Intersection Analysis: a novel tool for multi locus sequence assignment in multiply infected hosts. PLOS ONE 6, e22198.

Bertheau C, Krumböck S, Schuler H, Arthofer W* and Stauffer C* (2011) Hit or miss in phylogeographic analyses: the case of the cryptic NUMTs. Molecular Ecology Resources 11, 1056-1059.

Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC and Steiner FM (2011) optiFLP: software for automated optimization of amplified fragment length polymorphism scoring parameters. Molecular Ecology Resources 11, 1113-1118.

Steiner FM, Seifert B, Grasso DA, Le Moli F, Arthofer W, Stauffer C, Crozier RH and Steiner BC (2011) Mixed colonies and hybridisation of Messor harvester ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 11, 107-134.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Riegler M, Bertheau C, Krumböck S, Köppler K, Vogt H, Teixeira LAF and Stauffer C (2011) Multiple Wolbachia Infections in Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera, Tephritidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 139, 138-144.


Arthofer W, Avtzis DN, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2010) Mitochondrial phylogenies in the light of pseudogenes and Wolbachia: re-assessment of a bark beetle dataset. ZooKeys 56, 269-280.

Arthofer W, Cadahía L and Kruckenhauser L (2010) Ten new microsatellite loci for analysis of genetic diversity in isolated populations of the Alpine land snail Cylindrus obtusus. Conservation Genetics 11, 1115-–1118.

Arthofer W, Schüler S, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2010) Chloroplast DNA based studies in molecular ecology may be compromised by nuclear encoded plastid sequence. Molecular Ecology 19, 3853-3856.

Arthofer W (2010) tinyFLP and tinyCAT: software for automatic peak selection and scoring of AFLP data tables. Molecular Ecology Resources 10, 385-388.


Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Schuler H, Rasool B, Riegler M, Köppler K and Stauffer C (2009) Thirteen new microsatellite loci in Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae), a model host species for Wolbachia symbiosis in field populations. Molecular Ecology Resources 9, 1460-1466.

Arthofer W, Riegler M, Schneider D, Krammer M, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2009) Hidden Wolbachia diversity in field populations of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera, Tephritidae). Molecular Ecology, 18, 3816–3830.

Arthofer W, Riegler M, Avtzis DN and Stauffer C (2009) Evidence for low titer infections in insect symbiosis: Wolbachia in the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). Environmental Microbiology 11, 1923–1933

Avtzis DN, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2008) Sympatric occurrence of diverged mtDNA lineages of Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) in Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 94, 331-340.

Steiner FM*, Arthofer W*, Schlick-Steiner BC*, Crozier RH and Stauffer C (2008) Twenty four new microsatellite markers in two invasive pavement ants, Tetramorium sp.E and T. tsushimae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Conservation Genetics 9, 757-759.

Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC, Moder K, Stauffer C, Arthofer W, Buschinger A, Espadaler X, Christian E, Einfinger K, Lorbeer E, Schafellner C, Ayasse M and Crozier RH (2007) Abandoning aggression but maintaining self-nonself discrimination as a first stage in ant supercolony formation. Current Biology 17, 1903-1907.

Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Avtzis DN, Crozier RH and Stauffer C (2007) Lessons from a beetle and an ant: coping with taxon-dependent differences in microsatellite development success. Journal of Molecular Evolution 65, 304-307.

Sallé A, Arthofer W, Lieutier F, Stauffer C and Kerdelhué C (2007) Phylogeography of a host-specific insect: genetic structure of Ips typographus in Europe does not reflect past fragmentation of its host. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 90, 239-246.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN and Stauffer C (2007) Fast establishment of single-strand conformation polymorphism by targeted primer development in Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). Electrophoresis 28, 1046-1052.

Steiner FM*, Arthofer W*, Schlick-Steiner BC*, Crozier RH and Stauffer C (2007) Eleven microsatellite loci in the sociobiologically enigmatic ant, Lasius austriacus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 7, 498-–500.

Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Konrad H, Espadaler X and Stauffer C (2005) Isolation of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the study of habitat fragmentation in the harvester ant Messor structor. Conservation Genetics 6, 859-861.

Laimer da Câmara Machado M, Paltrinieri S, Hanzer V, Arthofer W, Strommer S, Martini M, Pondrelli M and Bertaccini A (2001) Presence of european stone fruit yellows (ESFY or 16SrX-B) phytoplasmas in apricots in Austria. Plant Pathology 50, 130-135.

Heinrich M, Botti S, Caprara L, Arthofer W, Strommer S, Hanzer V, Katinger H, Bertaccini A and Laimer da Câmara Machado M (2001) Improved detection methods for fruit tree phytoplasmas. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 19, 169-179.

Wilhelm E, Arthofer W, Schafleitner R, and Krebs B (1998) Bacillus subtilis an endophyte of chestnut (Castanea sativa) as antagonist against chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 52, 105-108.

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Other publications

Arthofer W (2014): Zur Bedeutung endosymbiotischer Bakterien in der Entomologie. Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik 15, 101-112.

Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC Steiner FM (2014) Bericht zur WOLBACHIA 2014: 8th International Wolbachia Conference, 6. - 11. Juni 2014, Igls, Innsbruck. Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik 15, 194-202.

Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W, Steiner FM (2014) Bericht zum 5th CEWM: Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, 5. - 8. September 2013, Innsbruck. Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik 14, 203-209.

Wachter GA, Muster C, Arthofer W, Raspotnig G, Komposch C, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2013) Alpenendemismus: Integrative Taxonomie und Faunengeschichte der Weberknechtgattung Megabunus. Entomologica Austriaca 20, 217.

Seeber J, Heller K, Arthofer W and Rief A (2012) A preliminary molecular cladistic analysis of the dipteran family Sciaridae(Diptera: Sciaroidea). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 18, 111-115.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Bertheau C and Stauffer C (2012) Wolbachia Infection in the Walnut-Husk Fly Rhagoletis completa Cresson 1929 (Diptera: Tephritidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 18, 243-245.

Avtzis DN, Arthofer W, Stauffer C, Avtzis N and Wegensteiner R (2010) Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) at the southernmost borderline of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Greece. Entomologia Hellenica 19, 3-13.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Köppler K, Vogt H, Teixeira LAF, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2009) The bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia in the invasive cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cingulata (Diptera, Tephritidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 17, 99-101.

Stauffer C, Avtzis DN and Arthofer W (2008) Molekulare Ökologie in der Forstentomologie. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 16, 221-224.

Arthofer W (2008) Molekulare Marker in der Insektengenetik. Entomologica Austriaca 15, 9-16.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN, Riegler M, Miller W and Stauffer C (2006) Pitfalls in Applying Mitochondrial Markers onto the scolytid species Pityogenes chalcographus. In: Bentz & Raffa (eds.) Proceedings of a Workshop on Bark Beetle Genetics: Current Status of Bark Beetle Genetic Research. Madison, WI. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-466. US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon.

Avtzis DN, Arthofer W, Wegensteiner R, Avtzis ND and Stauffer C (2005) The occurence of Pityogenes chalcographus L. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Greece. Proceedings of the XIIth Panhellenic Forestry Conference, Drama, Greece.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN and Stauffer C (2005) Identifying haplotypes of Pityogenes chalcographus (Col., Scolytidae) by Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 15, 173-176.

Arthofer W (2004) Biologische Bedrohungen: Management in der präklinischen Patientenversorgung. ProMed 10/2004, 14-21.

Laimer M, Mendonca D, Arthofer W, Hanzer V, Myrta A and Boscia D (2003) Occurrence of different plum pox virus strains in several stone fruit species in Austria. Option Mediterraneennes, Ser.B. 45, 79-83.

Balla I, Kriston E, Toth E, Arthofer W, Hanzer V and Laimer da Camara Machado M (2002): Detection of the phytosanitary status of stone fruit cultivars under in vitro conditions in Hungary. Plant Protection Science 38, 271-274.

Arthofer W, Strommer S, Hanzer V, Mendonça D, Gölles R, Brazda S and Laimer M (2001) IAM Plant Pathology Webpages.

Kober A, Vlach W, Mikulasch B, Arthofer W, Kerndler W (2000) Krisenintervention nach Leichenfund durch Kinder. Notfall & Rettungsmedizin 2000/3, 83-85.

Laimer da Câmara Machado M, Heinrich M, Hanzer V, Arthofer W, Strommer S, Paltrinieri S, Martini M, Bertaccini A, Kummert J and Davies DL (2000) Improved detection of viruses and phytoplasmas in fruit tree tissue cultures. Acta Hort. 550, 463-469.

da Câmara Machado A, Knapp E, Hanzer V, Arthofer W, Mendonça D, Lopes S, Katinger H and Laimer da Câmara Machado M (1998) Phytosanitary improvement of fruit trees: diagnostic strategies in virus indexing of in vitro plants. Acta Hort. 472, 511-516.

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Conference contributions


Kirschner P, Záveská E, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Schönswetter P (2017) Origin of steppe flora and fauna in inner-Alpine dry valleys. In: 14th Eurasian Grassland Conference, Riga, Lithuania.

Krapf P, Arthofer W, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2017) Peace not war: An Alpine Ant species' pronounced peaceful behaviour towards non-nestmates. In: 7th Central European Workshop of Mymrecology, Krakow, Poland.

Wagner HC, Arthofer W, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2017) Evolutionof morphological crypsis in the Tetramorium caespitum/ impurum complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: 7th Central European Workshop of Mymrecology, Krakow, Poland.


Kirschner P, Záveská E, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Schönswetter P (2016) Origin of steppe flora and fauna in inner-Alpine dry valleys. In: 9. Tagung Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Südtirol, Bozen, Italy.

Kinzner MC, Krapf P, Nindl M, Heussler C, Eisenkölbl S, Hoffmann AA, Seeber J, Tratter M, Bächli G, Kirchmair M, Kaufmann R, Gamisch A, Arthofer W, Schlick-SteinerBC, Steiner FM (2016) A mountain fly's eye view of climate warming: synthesising life-history traits, physiological limits, ecology, and laboratory selection experiments using Drosophila nigrosparsa (Diptera: Drosophilidae). In: 9. Tagung Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Südtirol, Bozen, Italy.

Dejaco T, Hladová I, Dalíková M, Steiner FM; Schlick-Steiner BC, Arthofer W (2016) Diploidization without reduction of genome size in an Alpine jumping bristletail. In: International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization and Biodiversity, Rovinj, Croatia.


Wagner HC, Arthofer W, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC (2015) Cryptic diversity research: taxonomy and evolution of the Tetramorium caespitum/impurum complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: 108th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Graz, Austria.

Kinzner MC, Tratter M, Bächli G, Kirchmair M, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC; Steiner FM (2015) Preferred oviposition substrate of the mountain fly Drosophila nigrosparsa (Diptera: Drosophilidae). In: 108th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Graz, Austria.

Riss S, Arthofer W, Pichler M, Stadler P, Stelzer CP (2015) Genetic divergence among closely related B. plicatilis populations that markedly differ in genome size. In: XIV. International Rotifer Symposium, Budweis, Czech Republic.

Krapf P, Russo L, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2015) Colony structure in Tetramorium alpestre ranges from intraspecifically aggressive monogyny-monandry to supercoloniality. In: 6th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, Debrecen, Hungary.

Wagner HC, Arthofer W, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM (2015) New insights into the taxonomy and evolution of the Tetramorium caespitum/impurum complex. In: 6th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, Debrecen, Hungary.


Arthofer W (2013) Mitochondriale DNA in der Phylogeographie: Steiler Aufstieg, tiefer Fall? In: Fachgespräch der Österreichischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria.

Arthofer W, Rauch H, Thaler-Knoflach B, Moder K, Muster C, Schlick-Steiner BC and Steiner FM (2013) Evidence for cryptic species in a small-scale Alpine sample of the Holarctic harvestman Mitopus morio. In: BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics!, Vienna, Austria.

Dejaco T, Gassner M, Arthofer W, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2013) The challenging revision of Alpine-endemic diversity in the jumping-bristletail genus Machilis (Insecta, Microcoryphia). In: BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics!, Vienna, Austria.

Schuler H, Egan SP, Arthofer W, Rull J, Aluja M, Stauffer C and Feder JL (2013) The potential contribution of the endosymbiont Wolbachia to speciation-with-gene-flow in Rhagoletis fruit flies. In: BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics!, Vienna, Austria.


Arthofer W, Peschl P, Schuler H, Stauffer C, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2012) De novo characterization of Wolbachia communities using a combination of HRM and Sanger sequencing. In: 7th International Wolbachia Conference, Oléron, France.

Hughes GL, Arthofer W, Pike AD, Coghlin PC, Floate KD and Rasgon JL (2012) Single tube nested-PCR (STN-PCR): A sensitive detection technique for Wolbachia that is less prone to contamination. In: 7th International Wolbachia Conference, Oléron, France.

Schuler H, Egan SP, Feder JL, Köppler K, Johannesen J, Stauffer C and Arthofer W (2012) Recent horizontal transfer of Wolbachia between cherry infesting Rhagoletis cerasi and invasive Rhagoletis cingulata and its dynamic influence on the new host. In: 7th International Wolbachia Conference, Oléron, France.


Avtzis DN, Arthofer W, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2011) Did Wolbachia influence the genetic structure of Pityogenes chalcographus? In: Workshop of Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated Microorganisms, Sopron, Hungary.

Bertheau C, Schuler H, Krumböck S, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2011) Hit or miss in phylogeographic analyses: the case of the cryptic NUMTs. In: Workshop of Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated Microorganisms, Sopron, Hungary.

Becker S, Scheuringer B, Schuler H, Mayer F, Bertheau C, Krumböck S, Arthofer W, Grégoire JC and Stauffer C (2011) The endosymbiont Wolbachia in Rhizophagus grandis and its prey Dendroctonus micans. In: IUFRO workshop "Ecology and Management of Bark and Wood Boring Insects: Novel risks with bark and wood boring insects in broadleaved and conifer forests", Sopron, Hungary.

Bertheau C, Schuler H, Krumböck S, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2011) Phylogeography of the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). In: IUFRO workshop "Ecology and Management of Bark and Wood Boring Insects: Novel risks with bark and wood boring insects in broadleaved and conifer forests", Sopron, Hungary.

Riegler M, Morrow JL, Sutton TL, Frommer M, Shearman DCA, Schneider D, Miller WJ, Schuler H, Stauffer C and Arthofer W (2011) What can we learn from the Wolbachia symbioses of true fruit flies? In: Annual Conference of the Genetic Society of AustralAsia, Melbourne, Australia.

Seeber J, Heller K, Arthofer W, Rief A and Traugott M (2011) A preliminary molecular cladistic analysis of the dipteran family Sciaridae (Insecta, Nematocera). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Hintsteiner W, Bertheau C, Avtzis DN, Arthofer W, Schuler H and Stauffer C (2011) The phylogeographic analysis of a Dinaric and Siberian population of Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Bertheau C, Krumböck S, Riegler M, Köppler K, Vogt H, Teixeira LAF and Stauffer C (2011) Multiple Wolbachia Infections in Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera, Tephritidae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Bertheau C, Stauffer C (2011) Wolbachia Infection in the Walnut-Husk Fly Rhagoletis completa (Diptera: Tephritidae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.


Riegler M, Morrow JL, Sutton TL, Frommer M, Shearman DCA, Schneider D, Miller WJ, Schuler H, Stauffer C and Arthofer W (2010) What can we learn from the Wolbachia symbioses of true fruit flies? In: Annual Conference of the Genetic Society of AustralAsia, Melbourne, Australia.

Rasool B, Arthofer W, Schuler H, Riegler M, Mirak TN and Stauffer C (2010) Wolbachia in European, Persian and Russian Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera, Tephritidae) populations. In: 8th International Symposium on fruit flies, Valencia, Spain.

Rasool B, Schuler H, Riegler M, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2010) Wolbachia in the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Pakistan. In: 8th International Symposium on fruit flies, Valencia, Spain.

Mészáros B, Lakatos F, Stauffer C and Arthofer W (2010) Genetic analysis of Central European cockchafer species. In: Novel risks with bark and wood boring insects in broadleaved and conifer forests. IUFRO workshop, Sopron, Hungary.

Wachter GA, Knoflach B, Arthofer W, Rinnhofer L, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2010) Population genetics of the endemic Alpine jumping bristletail Machilis pallida. In: Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Südtirol, Bozen, Italy.

Avtzis DN, Bertheau C, Arthofer W, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2010) Phylogeography of Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) in Europe - is Wolbachia involved? In: IXth European Congress of Entomology, Budapest, Hungary.

Bertheau C, Avtzis DN, Arthofer W, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2010) Incipient speciation detected by crossing and genetic studies in Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). In: First European Conference on Speciation Research, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.

Mészáros B, Stauffer C, Arthofer W and Lakatos F (2010) Gentical differences among Central European cockchafer species. In: IUFRO Workshop on Biotic Risks and Climate Change in Forests, Freiburg, Germany.

Bertheau C, Avtzis DN, Arthofer W, Lieutier F, Roux-Morabito G and Stauffer C (2010) Phylogeography and host differentiation of Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). In: IUFRO Workshop on Biotic Risks and Climate Change in Forests, Freiburg, Germany.

Mészáros B, Lakatos F, Stauffer C and Arthofer W (2010) Genetic analysis of Central European Cockchafer species. In: IUFRO World Congress "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment", Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Arthofer W, Dejaco T, Rinnhofer R, Wachter G, Knoflach B, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC (2010) Inherited endosymbionts and endemism in Alpine jumping bristetails: evaluating reciprocal influences. In: 6th International Wolbachia Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Riegler M, Köppler K, Vogt H, Teixeira LAF and Stauffer C (2010) Diversity in the orchard: The multitude of Wolbachia in Rhagoletis fruit flies. In: 6th International Wolbachia Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA.

Arthofer W, Riegler M, Avtzis DN, Schuler H, Schneider D, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2010) How not to be seen: Wolbachia and low titer infections. In: 6th International Wolbachia Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA.

Arthofer W, Riegler M, Moder K, Schneider D, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2010) Allele Intersection Analysis: a novel tool for multi locus sequence assignment in multiply infected hosts. In: 6th International Wolbachia Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2010) The diapause of Rhagoletis cerasi and its impact on Wolbachia density. In: 6th International Wolbachia Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA.

Schneider D, Riegler M, Arthofer W, Merçot H, Stauffer C and Miller WJ (2010) The hidden force within: dynamics of Wolbachia infections in de novo hosts. In: 6th International Wolbachia Conference, Asilomar, CA, USA.

Schneider D, Arthofer W, Stauffer C, Riegler M and Miller WJ (2010) Genomic plasticity of Wolbachia infection in two insect models. In: COST Workshop on Symbiont Genomics and Metagenomics. University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal.


Schneider D, Arthofer W, Stauffer C, Riegler M, Miller WJ (2009) Wolbachia infection dynamics in de novo insect host systems. VAAM-Workshop on Symbiotic Interactions, Munich, Germany.

Abdelkarim N, Stauffer C and Arthofer W (2009) Phylogeographic analysis of mitochondria-defined Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) populations by AFLP. In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Köppler K, Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Vogt H, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2009) Wolbachia in German cherry fruit fly populations, Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Diptera, Tephritidae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Arthofer W, Schneider D, Krammer M, Riegler M, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2009) Hidden Wolbachia diversity in field populations of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera, Tephritidae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Köppler K, Riegler M and Stauffer C (2009) Wolbachia in Rhagoletis spp. (Diptera, Tephritidae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Göttingen, Germany.

Arthofer W, Schneider D, Krammer M, Riegler M, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2008) The European cherry fruit fly and its Wolbachia: a story of incompatibility, multiple infection and recombination. In: 5th International Wolbachia Conference, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.

Schneider D, Krammer M, Arthofer W, Riegler M, Stauffer C and Miller WJ (2008) Monitoring the infection and genome dynamics of artificially transferred Wolbachia in Drosophila simulans. In: 5th International Wolbachia Conference, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.

Krammer M, Schneider D, Arthofer W, Stauffer C and Miller WJ (2008) Microbial insight into a donor´s and a host´s germline. In: 5th International Wolbachia Conference, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.

Avtzis DN, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2007) Sympatric occurence of maternal lineages in Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). In: Natural enemies and other multi-scale influences on forest insects. IUFRO workshop, Vienna, Austria.

Lakatos F, Eredics H, Kajimura H, Petercord R, Biegel T, Parini C, Knizek M, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2007) Evolutionary background of the host switch of the European Trypodendron species (Curculionidae, Scolytinae). In: Natural enemies and other multi-scale influences on forest insects. IUFRO workshop, Vienna, Austria.

Arthofer W, Krammer M, Schneider D, Riegler M, Stauffer C and Miller WJ (2007) Novel markers for assessing Wolbachia genome dynamics in the cherry fruit fly. In: XI. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Sweden.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN and Stauffer C (2007) Conflicting mitochondrial and nuclear data in the six toothed spruce bark beetle. In: XI. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Sweden.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN, Riegler M, Miller WJ and Stauffer C (2007) First evidence of Wolbachia infection in the six toothed bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Innsbruck, Austria.

Hase I, Heinze B, Arthofer W, Kajba D and Ballian D (2007) Candidate genes for hairiness in Poplar. In: XV International Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, USA.

Heinze B, Castillio A, Calderón C, Fussi B and Arthofer W (2006) Chloroplast genome research: A PCR primer database for the comprehensive analysis of a wohle genome. In: 57th Plant Breeder´s Meeting of the Austrian Seed Association and the German Association for Plant Breeding, Gumpenstein, Austria.

Arthofer W, Fussi B and Heinze B (2006) Evaluation of PCR-RFLP for forest seed certification by a multicenter ring test study. In: Population Genetics and Genomics of Forest Trees: From Gene Function to Evolutionary Dynamics and Conservation. Joint IUFRO/COST conference. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

Heinze B, Arthofer W and Fussi B (2006) A ring test for identity and distinctness in forest tree seedlots. In: Population Genetics and Genomics of Forest Trees: From Gene Function to Evolutionary Dynamics and Conservation. Joint IUFRO/COST conference. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN and Stauffer C (2005) Validating mtDNA derived phylogenetic data of Pityogenes chalcographus in the light of nuclear pseudogenes and Wolbachia endosymbionts. In: X. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Krakow, Poland.

Avtzis DN, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2005) Sympatric coexistence of several diverged lineages of Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Europe. In: XI. PhD Meeting in Evolutionary Biology, Bordeaux, France.

Arthofer W, Avtzis DN and Stauffer C (2005) Phylogeographische Analyse der europäischen Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) Populationen. In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Dresden, Germany.

Avtzis DN, Arthofer W and Stauffer C (2005) Identifying haplotypes of Pityogenes chalcographus (Col., Scolytidae) by Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP). In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Dresden, Germany.

Riegler M, Arthofer W, Daxböck S and Stauffer C (2005) Hitchhiking of the mitochondrial DNA in Wolbachia superinfected Rhagoletis cerasi. In: Entomologentagung der DGaaE, Dresden, Germany.

Arthofer W and Pölsler R (2003) Der Umgang mit biologischen Bedrohungen am Beispiel der Pocken. In: 10. Kongress der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Notfall- und Katastrophenmedizin, Wien.

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Ph.D. thesis

Mitochondrial and nuclear markers for analyzing the phylogeography of Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae): development, applications and pitfalls.

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